Logical declarations
Coma admits WhyML logical declarations such as
Module imports
use int.Int use list.List as L
- abstract types
type char
- aliases
type word = seq char
- algebraic data types
type regexp = | Empty | Epsilon | Char char | Alt regexp regexp | Concat regexp regexp | Star regexp
- abstract types
Pure functions and predicates
function sum (f: int -> int) (a b: int): int variant { b - a } = if b <= a then 0 else sum f a (b - 1) + f (b - 1)
Inductive predicates
inductive mem (w: word) (r: regexp) = | mem_eps: mem empty Epsilon | mem_char: forall c: char. mem (singleton c) (Char c) | …
Lemmas and axioms
lemma sum_left: forall f: int -> int, a b: int. a < b -> sum f a b = f a + sum f (a + 1) b